Jackalope is committed to accessibility and aims to provide the following services for our productions:
Audio Described & Touch Tour Performances
​Each mainstage production includes an audio described performance. Audio description is a verbal commentary that tells visually impaired theatre-goers what is happening on the stage during the parts of the performance where there is no dialogue. The audio description is accessible using a wireless headset. In addition, touch tours and artistic conversations are offered before audio described performances.​
Open Captioning
Each mainstage production includes an open-captioned performance. Open Captioning is a text display of all of the words and sounds heard during a production. The text is displayed on a screen near the stage.
When purchasing tickets for an accessible performance, please indicate that you are interested in the service that's being offered -- that will allow us to give you the best possible seats and assistance. If there is anything else we can do to make your visit to Jackalope more accessible, please contact us at jackalope@jackalopetheatre.org